Thursday, June 23, 2011

Another Tattoo

(while this frame is my drawing, it's just a traceback/inbetween of someone else's equally hard work...)

Glad I can finally post this, the music video for Weird Al's "Another Tattoo," from his new ALbum, Alpocalypse, which had I worked on in the fall during my internship at Augenblick Studios:

I only did two shots, the zoom in on Ronald Reagan (pictured is one of my frames) and the zoom in on the goat skull/laser removal; which, while they go by in split seconds actually took a whole work day because they're so detailed and I had to work zoomed in at like 800%. Regardless, working on this was a weird dream fulfillment for my inner child, as I was a big Weird Al fan in my single digit years. And in a way, I enjoyed working on those two shots more than I did working on Ugly Americans... Hope you enjoy it!

Speaking of which, Ugly Americans Season 2 starts next week! I didn't animate much like I did last season, but I did clean up on quite a few backgrounds. So, look for that! Otherwise, I have a couple little projects in the pipeline, which I'll let you see as they come... but my day job has had me swamped, I think I'm going to ask for less hours so I can actually do art things/thesis boards.

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